
The Advanced Strategic Analysis Course – ASAC.

The Advanced Strategic Analysis Course – ASAC.

Amman -  July 21, 2024.

The advanced training course on strategic analysis for the MENA region concluded last week, the course was held over five days in Amman and hosted by the Kingdom, represented by the Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Unit. It was organized in cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force (“MENAFATF”). with the support of the EGMONT Centre of FIU Excellence and Leadership (#ECOFEL), and in cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

This course aims to provide financial analysts from financial information units with knowledge and practical tools for conducting strategic analysis, the course provided an opportunity to participate in a fruitful experience to exchange experiences and knowledge with the aim of obtaining the maximum possible benefit.

In her opening speech, Mrs. Samya Abu Sharif, Head of the Unit, welcomed the guests from various Arab countries and added: “I encourage the spirit of perseverance and dedication to participate and interact with the experts in this workshop. This course will supports the efforts and role of the Financial Information Units in member states within our region and contribute to developing your skills to prepare the strategic analysis product resulting from an integrated and effective system with the elements of successful work. The outputs of the strategic analysis help the Financial Investigation Unit and other relevant regulatory, security and administrative authorities in understanding the different and emerging patterns and trends of money laundering and terrorist financing operations. The strategic analysis also helps to identify the surrounding risks and the internal risks of the state, which contributes fundamentally to the process of setting priorities to confront these risks and the mechanism for reducing them and their spread.

She added: “Developing the knowledge of the Financial Investigation Unit is considered one of the most important results of the strategic analysis process, as knowledge is one of the first steps through which the process of protecting the security of the state’s financial system from the threats it faces is completed.”

In this regard, I invite you to benefit from the distinguished experts with us in this course and to use their expertise and technical knowledge that will provide you with practical experience and knowledge to qualify you as an elite group of promising analysts, who bear the responsibility of conducting strategic analysis to achieve success and development of financial information units to combat the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing crimes.

This training course constituted an advanced step in contributing to developing strategic analysis capabilities and providing financial analysts with advanced skills. It is an important product in enhancing the visions, aspirations and goals of financial information units for the future, including the outputs and recommendations included in this analysis for the strategic leadership and an understanding of the psychology of the criminal environment and the perpetrators of money laundering and terrorist financing crimes.




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