
An Overview of Security Council Resolutions

Security Council resolutions issued regarding terrorism and terrorist financing

Security Council resolution 1267 (1999) regarding Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and associated individuals and entities was adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations and requires all countries to freeze the financial assets of individuals and entities belonging to or associated with Al-Qaeda and the Taliban and included in the consolidated list prepared for this purpose, as well as preventing them from entering or crossing its lands and territories, as well as preventing the supply, sale and transfer of weapons and military equipment to individuals or entities included in this list, directly or indirectly. The application of these sanctions falls on the Member States and their actual implementation is binding, and based on this resolution: A committee was established called the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) regarding Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and associated individuals and entities.

Subsequent to the death of Osama bin Laden, Security Council Resolution 1989 (2011) was issued regarding Al-Qaeda and its associated individuals and entities, according to which it was separated from the Taliban and its associated individuals and entities pursuant to Resolution No. 1988 (2011), according to which the established Security Council Sanctions Committee was formed. Pursuant to Resolutions No. 1267 (1999) and No. 1989 (2011), the two resolutions specified the procedures to be followed by countries with regard to the listing and de-listing of individuals and entities from the aforementioned sanctions list, which included the names of individuals and entities related to Al-Qaeda and its associated individuals and entities, the Ombudsman was also given the task of delisting the names of individuals and entities from the aforementioned sanctions list, and for the Technical Committee to submit delisting requests in cases where the Kingdom, on its own or jointly with other countries, requested the listing of the name of the individual or entity in the aforementioned sanctions list.

Security Council Resolution 1988 (2011) was issued regarding the Taliban and its associated individuals and entities, pursuant to which the Security Council Sanctions Committee established pursuant to Resolution 1988 (2011) was formed. The resolution specified the procedures to be followed by countries with regard to the listing and de-listing of individuals and entities from the 1988 Sanctions List. (2011), which included the names of individuals and entities related to the Taliban that were transferred from the consolidated list. Resolution 1988 (2011) requested countries to consult with both the Government of Afghanistan and the United Nations Special Assistance Mission to Afghanistan and the country of residence or citizenship of the person or entity intended to be listed in the 1988 sanctions list. The decision also stipulated the establishment of a Coordinating Office to handle requests to delist the names of individuals and entities from the sanctions list, whether through the individual or entity listed directly or through the Technical Committee, the decision also requested the Ombudsman to refer all requests to delist names of listed individuals and entities associated with the Taliban movement present with it upon the issuance of Resolution No. 1988 (2011) to the Coordinating Office in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1988 (2011).

Security Council Resolution 2253 (2015) was issued regarding the terrorist organization ISIS and its association with Al-Qaeda, calling for the freezing of financial assets and economic resources belonging to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and individuals, groups, institutions, and entities associated with them.

Security Council resolutions issued regarding financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Security Council resolution 1718 (2006) and its successor resolutions concerned the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK): nuclear-related, other weapons of mass destruction-related, and ballistic missile-related programs.

Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) was issued, targeting the Islamic Republic of Iran (individuals and entities related to Irans nuclear activities).

The list was issued pursuant to resolution 2231 (2015) dated 18/10/2015 to the date that falls five years and eight years after the day of the adoption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (18 October 2015). As a result, the 2231 List has been removed from the Security Council website and corresponding changes were made to the United Nations Security Council Consolidated List. (All individuals and entities listed pursuant to Resolution 2231 have been deleted on 18/10/2023).

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